Today I have to talk to you about something that is a little embarrassing. I am sure, I can´t be the only one, who is constantly picking on her skin. I do this now since probably 25 years. And I do it overly excessive, until my face is bruised and red. I am not proud of it, but I am addicted and can´t help it. There is even a name for itdermatillomania disorder.

Here is my complete story of 25 years of skin picking with a couple embarrassing photos...

Tips to avoid picking at your skin:

  • It helps to have as clean skin as possible! If you don´t have any breakouts, you can´t pick! Simple as that. I find that products that contain either Salicylic Acid or Benzoyl Peroxide work the best (basically an BHA exfoliator). I really like the Acnefree lotion. Apply it after cleansing your face in the morning and at night!

  • Tell your loved one (whoever you live with: husband, boyfriend, mommy, sister...) that they have to call you out, if you stay too long in your bathroom! Embarrassing, but better than the damaging results of a "skin picking session".

  • Bad lighting in the bathroom helps! If you don´t see it, you can´t pick at it! ;-)

  • It´s best to not have magnifying mirrors, but if you must, no more than 5x. It´s absolutely unrealistic to look into a 10x (or more) magnifying mirror. Don´t!

  • Wear a light foundation or a BB cream on a daily basis, so that you don´t like to pick at your skin, because you don´t like to destroy the makeup application!

I hope these tips help!

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